Hi! i'm a Sweden based experimental driven UX-designer at your service

I have been fortunate to gain extensive experience in both product leadership and UX, and I strive to bridge the gap between user needs and business opportunities with as much impact as possible, while keeping effort to a minimum.

I take great pride in conducting initial user research, analyzing markets, and creating rapid prototypes in Figma and genuinely believe that every idea is worth testing. I'm committed to iterating until we have a tangible product that truly resonates with users and provides meaningful results for the business.

What sets me apart is my strategic thinking, analytical skills, and creative approach. I enjoy thinking outside the box and bringing fresh ideas to the table. I also love collaborating with cross-functional teams to come up with solutions that address both user and business needs. Ideas that becomes testable prototypes to gain more learning about the user of the product.

mikaela frisk

currently a UX design consultant at TRR. Previously at Baemingo, Leeroy and Viaplay

Let's connect
Design process
Selected works

A new visual identity platform to build upon

A strong visual brand identity can help you build brand recognition and awareness among customers, employees, and potential future recruitments. Creating a well-designed logo, business cards, website, and other marketing materials is essential to putting your best foot forward when meeting new people and making first impressions.

Role: Visual designer

Gain loyal diners and cut the high commissions per order through aggregators

The problem that many restaurants face is that they either don't have the resources to create their own ordering app or their apps do not reflect their brand. We built a platform that allows any restaurant brand to create its own branded ordering app without investing in development and maintenance costs. We also make it easy for diners to order their food and receive loyalty rewards.

Role: UX lead, Service Design

Making updates on what can be ordered in different sales channels self-explaining

It's complex and hard to add and update what can be ordered in-store, online, or in self-service kiosks at different locations. That's the problem this initiative sets out to solve.

This new way of managing inventory will make it easier for store employees and customers to track what can be ordered and when. Centralizing this information will make it simpler to maintain, update, and share between all parties involved.

Role: UX/UI designer

I prefer to work by following Lean UX principles since I think it brings and combines the best out of design thinking, agile software development, and Lean Startup methodologies.

How I like to work

Great solutions are measured by how well it works for the people using it, a great experience is a combination of how well it works and looks. These are some guiding principles I use for the visual part of the design job.
Simple is harder
make sure of contrast and avoid text over images

02 Readability

have one focus point

01 Design emphasis

keep things consistent

03 Uniformity

watch your alignments

05 Layout grids

guide the viewers eyes

07 Visual hierarchy

through the use of colors, color contrasts and font selections.

04 Legibility

avoid the clutter

06 White space

limit font choices

08 Front pairings

I grow up in a small town in Småland, now living in Nacka with my partner Mathias, our two wonderful kids, our two dogs, and two cats. Two has become thing in our family, two is always better than one.

Being a UX designer is both my work and hobby. When I'm not designing in one way or another, I spend time with my family and friends and love outdoor activities, especially where dogs are or can be included, hiking, being out in the archipelago, gardening, visiting a favorite restaurant, or trying out a new one, or visiting art exhibitions.

Passionate in creating digital solutions that simplify and help people reach their goals in their everyday lives

About me

Being a design is my profession and one of my favorite hobbies