Workexperience timeline
UX designer at TRR 2022-23
In my role, I focus on crafting and refining products that provide meaningful support to civil servants during career transitions. I create solutions that match their skills with pertinent recruitment avenues, relying on a skill set including user-centered design, design thinking principles, research and prototyping, Figma proficiency, active collaboration, and continuous learning.
UX designer at Baemingo 2021-22
My focus involved gathering valuable user insights and conducting market analysis, tailoring digital solutions for the modern restaurant industry. I utilized Figma for design, prototyping, and testing to refine solutions aligned with customer needs and business requirements.

Teacher in Agile UX & Product development at STI 2021

I guided 16 product teams of UX and development professionals in transforming hypotheses into market-ready Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) through design sprints and agile principles.

Product Development Lead and Customer-centricity and Agile Advocate at Baemingo 2021

As an advocate of agile principles, I harmonized product planning, prioritization, and design-driven development processes to foster a design-centric and agile environment, nurturing a people-centered culture.
Product development lead at Leeroy 2018-20
I managed product research, strategic planning, prioritization, and the design of a white-label loyalty and ordering app. This achievement resulted from collaborative efforts among developers, UX designers, and stakeholders, benefiting over 40 restaurant chains.
UX and Product lead at Leeroy 2017-21
Guiding a skilled team of UX designers and product owners, I employed Design Thinking and strategic planning, fostering exceptional user experiences while aligning product development with user and business goals.

Customer and User Insight Manager at Viaplay 2016-17

Deepening our understanding of user behaviors and streaming customer experience, I employed quantitative and qualitative data methods to make informed decisions for future products.

Digital strategy and business development at Valtech 2014-15

As Business Development Manager, I crafted exceptional digital experiences through the fusion of Service Design, digital transformation, and agile methodologies.

Business Development Manager 2006-13

As Sales/Business Development Manager, I facilitated business transformation using technology while leading staffing initiatives and aligning solutions with customer needs and market demands.
My education timeline
  • Behavioral Design at Hyper Island 2023
    Gained insight into the non-linear nature of human behavior and how cognitive biases, emotions, and social cues influence decisions. Learned to strategically incorporate design elements to guide positive choices.
  • Certified Professional Agile Coach at ICAgile 2021

    Deepened understanding of Agile coaching principles and practices. Developed skills to foster collaboration, continuous improvement, and agility across teams and initiatives.
  • Brand strategy at Berghs 2020
    Explored brand strategy as a roadmap for shaping and communicating brand identity. Emphasized strategic choices and actions to influence brand perception.
  • Human Centred Service Design at IDEO 2018
    Equipped with tools for creating user-centered services through empathy, collaboration, prototyping, and feedback. Enhanced storytelling and communication skills for stakeholder engagement.
  • UX Design at Berghs 2016
    Built a solid foundation in user-centered design, including research, wireframing, prototyping, and usability testing. Developed collaboration skills and design empathy for impactful digital experiences.
  • Leading digital projects at Berghs 2015
    Acquired vital skills in managing digital projects, defining objectives, and effective communication. Explored agile methodologies and post-project evaluation.
  • Certified Product owner by Scrum Alliance 2013
    Excelled as a Product Owner within Agile environments. Learned customer needs analysis, backlog management, and stakeholder collaboration for successful product development.
  • Certified Scrum Master at Scrum Alliance 2013
    Mastered the Scrum framework and its artifacts, ceremonies, and teamwork principles. Gained skills in self-organization, continuous improvement, and effective communication for successful project delivery.