Hello! I'm a Sweden-based UX designer. I uncover opportunities through research, orchestrating creative ideation sessions, and crafting prototypes and user tests for your user experience

As an insight and hypothesis-driven designer, I immerse myself in the user's world, uncovering their needs and pain points and transforming them through iterative design into valuable digital solutions.

I facilitate ideation sessions with stakeholders and developers, where creativity flows like a vibrant river. I turn ideas into an experiment and design prototypes solution in Figma to gain valuable user data through tests.

With an unwavering passion, my heart pulsates to create impactful solutions that achieve business goals and profoundly touch users' lives, agile and incrementally.

Trusted clients: TRR, Baemingo, Leeroy, Viaplay

Hi! I’m a Sweden based experimental-driven UX designer at your service

As an insight and hypothesis-and iterative-driven designer, I immerse myself in the user's world, uncovering their needs and pain points and transforming them into valuable digital solutions.

I facilitate ideation sessions with stakeholders and developers, where creativity flows like a vibrant river. I turn ideas into testable prototypes by Figma to gain valuable user feedback, and I urge user behavioral data to improve the solution continuously.

With an unwavering passion, my heart pulsates to create impactful solutions that achieve business goals and profoundly touch users' lives.

Trusted clients: TRR, Baemingo, Leeroy, Viaplay
Selected product solutions of my previous UX design work, from understanding user needs or pain points to products that resonate with users' needs and business goals
In the ever-evolving realm of designing product development initiatives, embracing an iterative approach is a key strategy for achieving excellence. By adopting this method, designers open the door to constant refinement and improvement, driven by the invaluable feedback and insights gathered from testing.
Creating user-centric & business impactful solutions
Design thinking serves as the foundation of my problem-solving approach, enabling me to deliver impactful solutions that genuinely improve users' lives. Its adaptability allows me to cater to diverse requirements, fostering collaboration, nurturing creativity, and igniting innovation.

By identifying the core user problems or needs, I ensure each solution remains purposeful and user-centered, resulting in meaningful experiences that leave a lasting impression.
Let's connect and craft a solution that perfectly meets your target group's needs and propels your business forward
Mikaela Frisk
UX lead & UX designer
Phone: +46 73388 84 94
Email: hello@mikaelafrisk.com