This page contains a brief overview of some of my design work. If you'd like to 'View more' details, you'll need a password since I can't share all the details publicly.
Just let me know, and I'll gladly send a password your way!
TRR - product UX lead, UX designer
Receive relevant job ads and job activities, ultimately improving chances of finding fulfilling opportunities
Jobseeker with no profile
An individual exploring new opportunities who needs a gentle nudge to more effectively find their next career path.
Jobseeker with profile
A proactive job seeker looking for personalized job ads and activities to enhance their chances of finding a fulfilling and rewarding career path.
Empowers restaurant owners to quickly and confidently set up and launch their product sales on the platform
Restaurant owners
Juggle a multitude of tasks daily, managing staff, inventory to ensuring customer satisfaction. Adopting a new point-of-sale platform, often feels complex, confusing, and time-consuming